What Makes the New Year New? (is is only another day?)

It’s almost upon us! The bright, fresh, clean slate that a new year brings.

There are so many ways to ring in the new year. I have my own traditions. Do you have traditions?

Every New Year’s Eve I deeply clean and rearrange my home. I switch out the art and change any decor themes. I don’t follow any rules for this, I intuitively make my home fresh so I wake up on New Year’s Day with a fresh, new, clean home/canvas to create the upcoming year on.

I also get new sheets and sometimes new pillows so I wake on January 1st in a fresh, new way.

Every year I also choose a Word of the Year, to set the tone of my year.

Be careful about what you choose!!! It comes true! The year I set ‘patience’, I had many, many opportunities to practice patience. Was it fun? (no) Did it teach me patience?” (yes)

The year I chose ‘Game Changer’ as my word, it was SUCH a game-changing year. That was 2017… I am still reeling from that year, but I see it as a positive now. I wanted my game to change and it did.

I found out I had cancer, broke up with my boyfriend, had a hysterectomy (thank you, cancer), ended up diving into a weird mental space where I took stock of my entire life and isolated myself so I could bring focus to what wasn’t working and have the opportunity to bless and release. I ended up losing touch with my closest friends.

While I was in the hospital I had experiences that triggered old trauma. a LOT of trauma. New trauma and old.

Last year I chose ‘Purpose’, and I had the down-time to mull over my entire existence and really got in touch with my true purpose. I am so clear now on what I am supposed to be doing.

This year I’ve decided it’s time to THRIVE, so that’s my decision. It’s a fun ritual that allows space to go within and really consider what I want out of this new year. After the last few years, I decided it’s time to THRIVE!! Yes!


What are your favorite new year’s traditions?

I’m pretty excited about 2021, I know January 1st is just another day, but the collective energy of new beginnings is real. It’s a great time to take stock of the old, and jump into the new!

The VIRTUAL GYM is kickin’ and we are also turning over a new leaf with our health habits and nutrition.

With Covid, it’s a reality that the gyms are not at capacity and many people are deciding to take control of their health by working out at home. Whether it’s running, weights, cardio, dance, yoga, we have it all. There’s something for everyone.

I decided that I want to help more people this year. I am putting myself out there in a new way. For anyone who is ready to make changes, I am offering 2 free 1:1 coaching sessions to help you make it happen in 2021. This can be YOUR year!

Accept the things you can’t control, and take charge of the things in your control.

What CAN you change? join me for 2021!!!

I am in the midst of many changes and I would LOVE to link arms with you so we can make these things happen.

If you’re planning on any self-improvement this year, check with me before you jump into anything. I have some secret sauce I’d love to share with you. Make it happen for good.

kelly st claire beachbody coach

Kelly St Claire is a Certified Crystal Healer and ACM-Advanced Crystal Master through the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy, trained Life and Holistic Nutrition Coach through the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, and Master Hair Designer/Beauty Stylist for over 25 years.

She helps people change negative self- perceptions around their bodies, emotional eating and reinvent their beauty.

She found her way through a deep journey of depression, distorted body image, destructive relationship with food and lack of self-confidence through integrating the physical side of health with the energetic body.

She works with Fitness, Nutrition, Crystals, Supplements, and Self Discovery and is 100% committed to helping you!!!


She lives in Richmond, VA where she offers personal beauty care services. She offers health, fitness and wellness coaching.

She has a 25-year-old son and a 21-year-old daughter and loves on her two black cats and her fuzzy, white puppy <3