Posts in Wellness & Self Care
What Do You Do About Burnout?

Burnout is crushing and borders on depression because you lose direction and it takes away all interest you had in what you do in life.

Burnout most often happens in career/business, when your responsibilities go crazy or you put all of your focus in one place, become a workaholic- either forced or you get obsessed. It also happens to busy moms, people in school.

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How Estrogen Helps Your Everyday Health  

Also known as the female sex hormone, estrogens are present in both males and females, although they are more abundant in women. Perhaps the most popular amongst all hormones, it refers to a cluster of hormones with the same chemical makeup and they have a significant impact on the organs, cells, and the overall growth and functioning of the human body. These hormones are formed not only in the ovaries but also in adrenal glands and fat tissues. In the rest of this article, you

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How Your Diet Impacts Your Emotional Stress

When you start looking at ways to reduce your stress levels, you probably focus on how much work you are doing, what your daily responsibilities are, and whether or not you practice good self-care.

These are all very important, but don’t forget about the simplest choices you make every day that could be impacting your stress.

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Body Love, Life, Health and Wellness Coaching

Rewriting the narrative of your future is powerful, you can make things happen at the same time you release your personal expectations and attachments to exactly what it looks like. Releasing those attachments will bring ultimate comfort, allowing God (or Spirit, Divinity-whatever your experience is) to work out the details while you step 100% into personal responsibility is FULL of power. It allows you to relax into the rhythm of your life.

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Here's the down-low on emotional eating!

If you’ve ever found yourself turning to food when you’re feeling down, then know you’re not alone. This is a widespread phenomenon often referred to as emotional eating. It’s bad for you because it can usually sabotage your eating habits and often lead to overeating and other serious health issues.

Here’s the good news. There are many things you can do to overcome the urge to soothe your feelings with food.

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The Basics of Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medicine that is central to the culture. The primary source of Ayurveda medicine is the Charaka Samhita, which is a text written on Ayurveda medicine in the Sanskrit language. The literal meaning of Ayurveda is “knowledge of life” and its scope encompasses exactly that. This path of knowledge is over 5,000 years old and it aims to bring a sense of peace, meaningful purpose, joy, contentment, and everlasting vibrant health to its practitioners. 

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Make an Empowered Choice With Your Hair Color

When it comes to hair color, My view is that is it a complement to your inner essence. It’s changeable and fun and a choice. When I see a person with hair that is going grey my first thought isn’t “we must cover that, it is a sign of looking old” - I look at the person within. Grey or silver is an option that can be beautiful. It’s in confidence and attitude.

Making the switch from covering grey to allowing nature to take over is a process.

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How Your Diet Affects Your Skin

You’ve heard it a million times, but it is true – “you are what you eat” and your skin is a direct reflection of that. Everything you put in your body will have a noticeable impact on your skin. Your skin is telling you what it likes and doesn’t like.

Take the time to notice what your skin is telling you so that you know what foods to avoid ensuring that you achieve beautiful healthy skin. Let’s look at some common ways that diet affects your skin.

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8 Crystals to Combat Holiday Stress (and how to use them)

As we slip into the Holiday season it's a time we celebrate, but along with the abundant parties comes more than abundant stress. Whether you have family stress of financial stress, crystals and stones can help. I'm listing my top 8 stones to combat holiday stress and how they help.

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How to get through grief and sadness this Autumn

In Autumn it’s the time that trees naturally drop their leaves (after a colorful show that is a part of the death cycle of the leaves) … Flowers wither and drop to the ground. It’s part of the ‘life-death-life’ cycle of nature. We go through this too. Our jubilant Summer energy and natural outgoingness and joy begin to realize that the cold season is upon us. Even

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How To Work With Crystals For Weight Loss

…We need to care for our physical bodies like that, but there are other factors at play. We are more than our physical bodies.

We are also made up of our emotions our minds and our spirit. We are made of measurable and unmeasurable energy, and if we ignore that and only focus on the physical aspect of our workouts and food, we may not be successful in the long run.

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What is Amethyst Good For?

Amethyst was my first crystal. I loved its rich purple color and the feel of it in my hands. Since it was my very first crystal you could say it was my personal gateway crystal. This was before I knew how big of a place they would play in my life. Many people were attracted to amethyst first. It's easy to find, powerful, inexpensive, and has so many gifts to bring. 

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The Healing Power of Nettle Tea

Nettles have been shown to reverse hormonal imbalance, especially for people just entering middle age. They can also help prevent cancers in the reproductive system.

A cup of nettle tea in the morning facilitates better nutrient absorption and decreases stomach issues.  It can also improve your metabolism.

Since they are very high in potassium and iron, these herbs can help prevent kidney infections, remove toxins from the blood, and relieve arthritis pain.

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